Life Parable

“A rich man whom God had blessed had a poor brother who was a construction worker. The rich brother said to his poor brother, “I want you to build me a house, and I want you to make it the finest that money can buy—spacious, large, and beautiful.” The poor brother was delighted, so he started to build the house that his rich brother had requested. But he said to himself, “This is a chance for me to make money.” So he took out of the foundation the good material that should have gone into it and he put in a cheap foundation, and put the money saved into his own pocket. Instead of placing fine lumber in the building, he used cheaper lumber and pocketed the difference. Instead of installing superior plumbing in the house, he chose cheaper plumbing. Throughout the house he used cheaper materials to deceive his own brother.

When the house was finished, his rich brother came to him and said, “Let us go see the beautiful house.” They stood and looked at it, and the rich brother said to his poor brother, “Brother, it is yours. This is a gift of my heart to you.”

That is as true a parable of life as I know. The man who cheats, deceives, and lies destroys himself. God sees to that.”