Open for business

There’s a new place down the road, fun for the whole family, clear down to 5 year old yoops.

Tuesdays are reserved for anger management.

The KISS effect deployed


  • Follow Parlor staff’s directions and instructions
  • Only one axe in use at a time per target
  • Throw together-retrieve together (double lanes)
  • Only one person in throwing zone at a time
  • Spectators that attempt to throw will either be asked to leave or pay for a full session 
  • Closed toed shoes are REQUIRED!

Don’t Be an Axe Hole

  • No Intoxication
  • Zero tolerance policy is in effect for intoxicated patrons

How many places you been, where you been told, ” you cannot bring that food in here”

We are offering some refreshments for sale, but outside food and beverage is welcomed.  Handicap bathrooms and open spaces to accommodate all. At this time we are not serving alcohol  or meals but please visit our neighbors for great drinks and food all around us. Take out menus are available to bring your food here.

Fun for the whole family

Something for everyone.

5 year old’s through seniors, all have an opportunity to throw axes and enjoy this activity in our community. 

While reading about the sense of community from Parlor

sips coffee America is tasting what life was like before Wyatt Erp came to town

Love your kin or Hate your enemies

for the most part, vengeance, blood feuds and payback

that was life

Dollars to donuts, their new business adventure was conceived from The Northman

Does make one wonder how deep the anger is