The wolf is at the door

One could apply that to the ATF

as in ” knock and talk” without a warrant to gain consent, concerning recent gun purchases

Have to think in much bigger terms

WEF suggests blotting out the Sun to fight climate change

“MIT scientists say ‘space bubbles’ could help reverse climate change by reflecting the Sun’s heat away from Earth,” the video begins. “Scientists say cutting out just 1.8% of the Sun’s rays would fully reverse global warming.”

The WEF cautions its young audience, though, assuring them this is future tech and that the “task of decarbonizing life on Earth” is no less urgent an issue.

“The bubbles would be manufactured in space by robots. They would form a ‘raft’ about the size of Brazil. This would be placed at a Lagrange point,” the WEF continues. “That is, a point in space where the Sun and Earth’s gravity balance each other out. This would keep the raft fixed in position.”

There is wisdom in this song

all you have to do is listen

since I don’t speak Estonian, I thank the translator straight away