Trump is the Most Inept…

Today’s ’News Bites’ is not the usual and customary ’bite’. It is from the site ’The Stream’ and a tongue -in-check piece on Trump’s ”Insurrection”. Hopefully, you all will enjoy it as much as I did.

The Brew: Trump is the Most Inept Insurrectionist Ever!

Who orders the military to defend against his own coup?

Today’s roast is called “The Donald.” Yeah, we’re roasting the former President.

Donald Trump is the worst insurrectionist ever. There, I said it. It may get me banned from Mar-a-Lago, but it’s a fact. When it comes to leading an insurrection — which the Democrats insist he did on January 6 — Trump was absolutely pathetic.

I mean, he told his mass of followers — including hordes of hardened military vets — to “peacefully and patriotically protest” rather than take over the city. Bonehead move number one for Liz Cheney’s would-be insurrectionist. He pushed for National Guard troops to be at the Capitol, rather than leave the Capitol defenseless from his insurrection. Bonehead move number two.

But this latest bombshell proves Trump was utterly incompetent, even moronic, at this insurrection business. According to notes from Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Mike Milley, President Trump gave an explicit order to the military to make sure the January 6 rally was safe.

Say what? Ordering the most powerful military force on the planet to make sure nothing happened at the Capitol? It’s like the guy wasn’t even trying to overthrow the U.S. government!

John Solomon of Just the News summarizes brilliantly.

If Donald Trump wanted to incite violence that fateful day, as his critics suggest, then why did he order the Pentagon to have a large military force ready to quell a disturbance? And why did a Democrat-led Congress turn down the assistance of National Guard troops in the face of intelligence warnings about violence?

Don’t believe Solomon? Then let’s go right to the Pentagon Inspector General report. Seems the J6 Committee missed this one.

Mr. Miller and GEN Milley met with the President at the White House at 5:30 p.m. (on January 3.)

The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. GEN Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protestors on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event. Gen Milley told us that Mr. Miller responded, “We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered’”

Writes Solomon, “Democrats have not offered any evidence to counter that story.”

So, if the J6 Committee is to be believed, Trump conspired with small bands of right-wing groups to storm the Capitol, take over the government to prevent the installation of Joe Biden as president. But he didn’t bother to ensure they were armed, or call the hundreds of thousands of his supporters who were there that day to riots and violent rebellion. And a couple days earlier, in a meeting with top brass on a different matter, he brought up the J6 rally and ordered the military to be ready to stop any trouble. In other words, thwart his own rebellion!

I tell you, this Trump fella’s the last person I’d hire to stage my coup. Now, Nancy Pelosi on the other hand …