First words I heard, ” I see age hasn’t improved your beauty” FU
handshakes then ohh phuck that

Sitting in the warm sun, he plops down a bag of ashes, no words for a moment or 2 ok maybe 3, just looking at each other, ” you ready do this”? yeah, but let’s have a coffee first, nothing before coffee and besides, he ain’t going anywhere. Feelings and emotions are part any job, they don’t change the fact, there’s a job to do, failure is not option. It seemed like it was some sort of contest, I’ll explain.
You know there’s conversation coming, as it always does, question is… when & who starts it. In this instance it was the lady in her 60’s or so walking by who said ” welcome home boys with a smile on her face” and kept walking. So little she said, which said everything that needed to be said, or heard. Talked of a few items about here & there. It’s probably always been that way, when the sting of battle has been felt. The conversation always turns there, no matter what, it’s gonna go there. And of course, it went there, I won’t bore you with that, nothing nice that’s for sure. And again, as with all vets, there’s something in movies that will cause them to smile or laugh or change or the atmosphere in the room, briefly. Hey man, you have a line from film you like? With a smile he says yeah.
You call that knife?
THIS is a knife

Looks at me, “what’s yours”
Man, we’re not even supposed to be here, we’ll go with you

with the coffee gone, ready…. yeah…
I like Ritchie, the jovi not so much
some music for some words
I am not the wolf, nor am I the sheep.
I am both and yet I am neither.
I am hated by the sheep, for I do not look nor think like them.
I am hated by the wolf, because I know how and why they think like they do.
I am out cast from the sheep, and I hate and love that at the same time.
I am thankful I am outcast from the wolf, the source for evil.
I have always watched over the flock of sheep, it is in my DNA.
I have always resisted the wolf, again, It is in my DNA.
I have both of their strengths, and neither’s weaknesses.
The sheep are afraid, weak, forever dependent on those stronger than they are.
This dependency allows them to be conquered and dominated, easily.
The wolf is a coward outside of his pack, he is weak when he is alone.
The wolf preys upon the weak and defenseless. He conquers and dominates, easily.
I am not afraid. I am strong, and never depend upon anyone, for anything, outside my family.
This absence of dependency keeps me from being conquered and dominated.
I need no pack. I am alone strong.
But in all this strength, I never conquer or dominate the sheep. Only the wolf do I dominate and conquer.
The wolf fear me. And rightly so, I take no prisoner. I expect and give no quarter.
And in all this, I still watch over the sheep. Watching for the wolf.
And in all this, I still watch over the sheep. Watching for the wolf.
Hated, until the coming of the wolf.
I accept this fate. It is in my DNA. It is that I am, not who I am, that makes me what I am.
I also accept that as a fact, it is not a question of if I die. No not at all. And gladly.
It begs more questions than that.
How many go before me? The honorable manner of my passing?
Have I remained true to what I know?
I am the Sheepdog
It’s all fun and games, until you get off the boat…