Bringing him home

So I get this call a few days back, after some back and forth, he asks if I knew a quiet place where the northren lights can be seen. Yeah, what’s this all about brother?. One of his Marine buddies, had passed, he was from the Ironwood area, south of me. After the Corps, that fella hard a hard time of things with drinking and drugs. My buddy kept an eye on him and helped him out the best he could, never easy trying to help someone hell bent on destroying themselves.

Tell ya what, after driving 27 hours find a place stay, rest up with the wife, spend the day doing tourist stuff, and I’ll meet up with ya after 6, taking care of my mother, having never met her, he ask’s how she doing, well they glued her up again, ” what?. I’ll tell ya all about it when we meet up. Next week then. Was thinking maybe if that Marine would have come back early on, back to hunting & fishing and lots of woods, things may have been different for him. Who knows.

Granted, it’s not easy being my friend, but when needed, I’m there

This Marine buddy of mine,at the time this song came out, we had a great laugh about it

it’s where we met, in a smokey bar.

What’s my friend like? Gunny Hiway has much of his personality traits