Having never takin a carriage ride like some sort lookie-loo or Louise, this was a good time to do it, for a measley 160.00 you to can cruise the ilse. Those horses do 5 trips a day, it’s 8 miles round trip. They earn their keep. Horses are rotated and well looked after. I’ve mentioned Paul from Romania, we had some conversation about Europe and the state of affairs taking place there. The concern was evident in his eyes and tone. Resting the horses and watering was a fifteen-minute window, was plenty of time to pick his brain about stuff before Maggy showed up. Remember, I am totally out of my element, I was a bit irked when it was time to switch carriages, all those well to do people, none of them tipped him, I gave Paul a grant, Paul, you have some cornmeal porridge on me.”Ohh you know Romania breakfast food?” He smiled big like. You ever make the Keweenaw you come see me, ” I would like to visit Canada”. Paul, you are not gaining favor with me.
He got the look of eh?
Maggy is a bubbly pony-tail lass from the New Hampshire way, grew up with horses, a chatter box, none stop. I wanted to say, take a breath already will ya, I didn’t, but I wanted to. I did mention Paul, that set her off
How good is Miss Maggy with horses? she handles 3 of them coming in at 2400 pounds each
Went into this jewelry store, everything comes from the Navaho brothers of New Mexico and Arizona. Everything is handmade, spotted a hair piece, 75% off, how much? 650.00.

I heard the price, but I was thinking how nice it would have looked on lil sis’s long hair, lost in thought I suppose. While buying some danglies for mother, (earrings), the lady asked if I had made my wallet. yes mam I replied, ” we get people asking for leather goods all the time, no one on the iland really sells leather goods. ” if you would, make a couple of items and send along, I’ll cut a check and see how it goes. Holsters? ” Ohh lord no ” we deal with tourists from the world over, coffee wraps, some wallets, small items. Took her card, mam won’t be soon but we do have long winters, we’ll be in touch.
One can view this posted offering under the contest of
Chance on point, gathering intel. so you know what you are in for.. two cultures rubbing elbows
I did ask a trust fund fella (28 or so) at a bar/restaurant if he has firearms at home
“ohhh noooo, we have no guns, we have security”.
not so different from this
With the napkin on my lap (manners you know), I picked up the t-bone and started nawing it, heard a few gasps, which I payed little attention to, the best part of a t-bone, is by the bone, besides, I bought it, so it’s mine, I’ll eat it any damn way I please.