Prove me wrong

One day Man was outside cooking meat over his fire, the scent on the wind caught Wolf’s attention, wolf went to investigate, from the thicket at a safe distance, wolf watched intently. Out of the corner of Man’s eye, he spotted wolf, watching. After some tense moments, man reached for some meat, lay it upon a rock saying, Wolf, I’ll make a deal you, you can eat from my table, you have shelter from the weather in my cave, and for your part wolf, you keep an eye on my family. Wolf knew this was a good deal.

Dogs remember the deal


” Chance”

God, this burden, it’s heavy

” it’s heavy you say, well Chance, I’ll you what, see that door over there, you go in there and set your burden down and pick out any one you prefer. ”

Ok I’ll do that In I went, set my burden down

I seen tall crosses, short crosses, fat and skinny crosses, some had jewels, some were plain, there were crosses of metal and wood and stone. About an hour later, I yelled out FOUND IT! ” Well ok then, Chance, you go with your burden and be happy. Off I went

God was smiling, for it’s the same burden I went in with

Blue sky, calm lake, green around with trouble on the horizon

Attitude is everything