So there I was in her garden

Yes yes yes, I was granted permission, not everyone or everything is so lucky

see what I mean

who goes out to the garden, armed… well she does

Someone down South taught her well on how to plant a garden

Wildlife will get theirs, friends & neighbors will also, so what you have let, is really all you needed in the first place. She carrys as to limit the wildlife’s fair share :).

beautiful garden

She grows my Carolina reapers and other hot peppers, (nothing free, it’s a barter thing). Strange thing, as we were walking, I was thinking, if the palieos would just lay down their arms, there would be peace, if Israel laid down theirs, there would be no Israel.

Odd thing to come to mind while walking through the garden. See the fence line, Concord grapes all around

With Israel and the palieos still fresh in the mind, while looking the grapes, inserts a footnote here, you that thing in your head that says you shouldn’t say that, well I don’t have that part anymore, it was cut or what was left of it. And I don’t miss it one iota. I started to recite King Solomon, as in

the Song of Solomon

How beautiful and pleasant you are,
    O loved one, with all your delights
 Your stature is like a palm tree,
    and your breasts are like its clusters.
 I say I will climb the palm tree
    and lay hold of its fruit.
Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
    and the scent of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine

Was about then I heard slide on the pellet rifle along with

” Chance, what did you just say, you getting fresh with me?”.


Having no clue what got her riled up, not being my woman I figured it was best to ask

still or again while she’s armed.

Seeing words, if that’s a fault, I’ll take it

It’s Sunday, some Sunday sort of music is needed