There’s a saying

Religion is for those who are afraid to go to hell

Spiritualty is for those who been there

Thinking it would be a great exercise to conduct concerning human nature, I could sit back and observe the results. I had told the Armydog a week or so ago, I might bring someone over and you have to use your outside voice for he’s a little hard of hearing, Armydog said I’ll have the coffee waiting. When my Marine buddy showed up, I had also told him, I know someone you may like to talk to, but you have speak loud because he cannot hear anything, ” ohh ok”. No hello, hi how you are doing, was none of that,

” Another G’damn Marine”

“What of it” was the reply

2 grizzlies barking at each other outside

after about a minute or so, they realized they been had because I couldn’t stop laughing

I love it when a plan comes together

It was also an experiment of Brotherhood

If you find this stuff worthy of your time I’ll share some more

I had told the Armydog I might share some this table talk, ” clean it up, don’t people sad”

it’s the reason the clips are short, they been cleaned up as per requested

While those were having a back and forth I was observing thier wives, Masculinty and all things associated with it was clearly seen in thier faces, you could see they proud of thier Men.


they chosen well