Wolf, don’t you come here

What does that mean?.

    You will never know whether you are a true shepherd until the wolf comes.  The wolf attacks in many ways: financial difficulties, marital conflicts, strong-willed children, the lure of greener pastures, a partner whose health collapses, a teen who rebels, a mid-life crisis, the heaviness of carrying the load for too long, spiritual dryness, physical erosion, a growing restlessness, or an obsession to be free to focus on your own needs.  The wolf is always lurking near the flock.  He attacks often and usually in packs.  Like all predators, he knows when you and your flock are most vulnerable.  

     Again, you will never know the true measure of your commitment until the wolf comes.  The wolf separates hired hands from true shepherds.  When the wolf comes, the shepherd finds solutions.  The hired hand looks for the best escape route.  The coming of the wolf proves whether or not you really love your spouse, your children, your family, friends, church, neighbors, or country.  So, rejoice in those tough times.  They prove your mettle and sincerity.   True shepherds stay the course, persevere, fight the good fight, and even lay down their lives for those given to their care.

Now you understand


The day is all about you, the night belongs to me

Looking at her smile, he is her champion is all manner of speaking.

There was no catering back in those days, the women would get together, decide on the food, one thing about women that is a constant, get a group of together, sounds like chicken coop outta control, from an observation standpoint, don’t matter how many are talking at the same time, they all know what is being discussed by everyone at the same time, it’s best just to stay clear of the situation.

I don’t know how many people were there, more than a boatload that’s for sure

What did you do to my trout?

” We stuffed and baked it, of all the food, your fish is what was taken first”

Here, remember who you are, her champion in all manner of speaking, and when the weight of the world is on your shoulders, as with all Women, they have a way to straighten your brow, it’s something they have, no explaining it, it just thier way.