Energy Vampires

just a few examples to be aware of

Energy vampires place their problems squarely on the shoulders of other people. They take no responsibility for their contributions to their difficulties.

People who are sensitive and compassionate are prime targets for energy vampires. You offer a listening ear, a kind heart, and endless energy.

In that way, energy vampires use your very nature against you, draining you of your vitality.

Energy vampires often rely on guilt trips to get what they want. They know shame is a great weapon against people who are compassionate and caring.

Likewise, ultimatums are an effective way to capture a person’s attention and coerce them into doing something they otherwise may not want to do.

How I handle energy vampires?

See the posted picture again

Have I got your full attention now?

Jim get’s it, he’s worth your time

Right now, it’s so quiet, one could hear a hummingbird’s wings

Chris says the same thing, just using different words