Fast Food Raid

The Felonious Bloviating Imbeciles continue their political witch hunt. This time pursuing the extremely dangerous criminal at a Hardees fast food drive thru.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claims the FBI seized his phone on Tuesday.

The mustachioed businessman said the encounter happened at a Hardee’s drive-thru on his way home from Iowa in Mankato, Minnesota.

“I open my door and I say, ‘Who are you?’ And he says, ‘We’re FBI,’” Lindell recalled on his show, the Lindell Report. He said the FBI agents showed him their badges upon request and told him to pull over.

“He goes, ‘We’re taking your cellphone. We have a warrant for your cellphone.’ I go, ‘No.’ I said, ‘My whole company, I run five companies off of that. I don’t have a computer. My hearing aids run off of this. Everything runs off of my phone,’” Lindell said. “I said, ‘If I don’t give it to you, will you arrest me then?” At that point, the agents apparently handed him the search warrant for his phone.

Lindell said he was advised by his lawyer, whom he was allowed to call, to hand over his phone to the FBI. He added that he wasn’t given a chance to back up his phone.

This recent event, again, provides from mockery of said agency through memes. Enjoy!