That right there is my standard greeting from dogs, dogs just know if one is good or not, it’s in thier DNA. I don’t care what people think of me, dogs
I care what dogs think of me.
Wrap your mind around this for a moment
The CIA wants to bring woolly mammoths back from extinction

Need another scoop?
Here have another
A Level-4 Biolab Grows in Boston
Every project is scrutinized and continuously monitored by multiple local and federal agencies
Well that certainly makes me feel all warm an fuzzy
I have the same two questions I have asked myself before concerning Mercury
“large quantities” of mercury at the entrance of a burial chamber sixty feet below the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan. The find is a recent development in a six year-long excavation of the ruins of the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent.
Mercury is a interesting item itself
What the hell
why would do that and what the hell is wrong with those people.
There’s a song forever associated with an opening scene
Come Hell or High water as the saying goes
Quit and give up?
I was taught better than to quit and give up
Ain’t that right Gazoo