Been thinkin about the title for the new journal, concerning the times we find ourselves living in. We know about the Stone age, the Iron age and the Bronze Age because of things found and stuff written down. After yesterday, I’ve found the title
I chose the color green for the ECO-SOCIALISTS
If the GOP cannot win in this environment
perhaps Mitch, Kevin and Ronnie
should campaign from thier basements while refusing to debate, and when they debate, making sure they make themselves look like complete idiots. Don’t worry about people voting for you, the level of education they hold will be a sight to behold
the state now has topped new york in the effort of killing babes, now if little johnny wants to be a pirate, he don’t need parents permission to have his eye removed, a hook for where he hand used to be, the pegleg will be funded by the state.
Border jumpers and every other tom dick and harry along with suzzie rotten crotches from only God knows where can now vote here without ID
Betsy Devoss, trump hater, big money backer for dixon her words
” we pick the loser”
nothing good comes from below that bridge, nothing.
the pollesters should go pick potatoes, least they would have a purpose
in their miserable meaningless lives
Did the left finally find a way to defeat Trump?
No where in the United States Constitution will the word democracy be found
“Sir, what have you given us”
A Republic Mam, if you can hold on to it
I don’t know anyone who wore the uniform of any branch who stood for socialism, the easy path to communism
yet here we are
Sam Stone came to mind