Brothers in Arms

I pulled over just to show you what the end of the world looks like, yes Marines can be found there as well

” Every climb & place”

Paul Harvey usta say, ” and now, the rest of the story”, but first, some clarification. I don’t give G’damn what branch you served in, you wore the uniform, speaks much of your Character. While we give each other a hard time, that is just practice, keeping us mentally fit in the game for when the shit starts.

And it started

Some of you know when mother first broke her back, they glued her back together, which is an amazing medical item itself, shame there are those out who have turned that profession into something resembling the crooked cross.

Had an uncle who would pour ready-crete in his fish-tug when it sprung a leak…. kinda like what they did with mother. Rehab is normally located in nursing homes, some back story needed. when she 86 she didn’t have the 30.06 in the shoulder proper, took the shot and destroyed her shoulder, was a gut shot. Anyways, while at the nursing home, they put her on some damn machine to exercise her arms, only thing holding her arm on are the tendons, so she screaming big time, hurt her so bad she was put into a bed. Thats when the trouble started, 2 days later lil sis went to get her out of there, they wouldn’t let her leave without a conference meeting. Night before I called some people, not one was busy, 3 Navy 4 Army, told each just follow my lead. Lil wheeling mother followed by myself and that motley crew of misfits behind me. We were all sitting when the ” experts beginning to sit down at thier expert table. All 10 of them had their blablabla moment. Was my turn, felt a tap on hand ” you be nice”

When I stood up, those Men behind mother stood up, lil sis stood up. ” who’s first, I don’t care which, the look on thier faces would remind you of shit going through a goose, they wanted out there like yesterday, I was pissed but tempered. In her records, it clearly states she has no ball or socket for a shoulder, and you hurt her. Which one of you has claim over this woman, stand up, none moved, none spoke. Lil sis, you take mother to my truck right now, looking at that table experts, if there are papers to be signed, mail them, they will filled out and sent back, do not include billing for that bed.

Lil sis wheeling mother the boys following her,

I was the last to leave.

I’m still pissed about that situation

After getting 3 glasses of wine, she was feeling pretty good yesterday

She was looking at a picture of her and dad then said

takes a man to get through flannel

dad knew what he was doing huh ma, ” ohh hush”

Ma, were you bad girl when you were younger

” we all sin”… sipping her wine looking at that picture

Stay the course you be fine

Life by the lake is hard

Our happiness does not depend on the restrictions placed upon our Lives

there’s a storm coming in…