Do we have to, “it’s not snowing, let’s go”

Alight then, when lady has a fisherman who knows how to trap and make stuff

who needs Macys.

each one of her furs, took some winters to make

getting her into truck can be an ordeal, normally I pick her up, I may be delicate, she’s brittle so extra care is taken. I told was wanting some egg salad sammiches, ” ohh those sound good” so we be taking a round about shortcut south. I never have done it, but I wanted to, make some deviled eggs for Thanksgiving with Pepper’s eggs. Pepper doesn’t have chickens, he’s got EMU’s

Emu eggs equal about 10 chicken eggs

is Pepper getting rich from Emu egg sales, hell no, he and his family are very self-reliant we shall say.

I asked him, you were NAVY right? “yeah” what you do aboard the boat, ” the U.S.S. Monticello isn’t a boat, it’s ship, LSD to be precise”. So that’s what happened to ya, doing LSD on the boat., never get off the boat unless you wanna go all the way Pepper. ” get the hell out of here Chance”. You notice everyone I mention they all sound the same, asking me to leave, some friends I got.

She wanted visit with the Armydog , I didn’t say aloud, was thinking it

ahh crap

I asked her how old was while working the field, she said she was 9,

john Mcstain came to mind

” they do the jobs Americans won’t do”

I call bulshyt on that mcstain

America is having some hard times right now, not of thier doing

ain’t nothin Americans cannot overcome

The reasons now may be different

they just don’t understand America’s RESOLVE

Armydog, that’s my mother you’re talking to

Is the grass greener over there, nah, not really

The Marine Corps Birthday is the start of the holiday season

so to get you in the festive spirit

the proper attitude will be installed

I really wanna make EMU deviled eggs 🙂