Happy Birthday Marines

I was once asked by lil sis ” think she will do it” Have you ever known her not to do something that she wants?. ” well no” I explained to her the difference between a short term goal an long term objectives. If I could, I’d tell lil sis… there’s nothing she won’t do when she sets her mind to it, with a little help.

100 years young today

born 1922

I’ve mentioned a young lady who’s a baker, she made the cake

Chance, I’ve met your mother, your money is no good today

Scarlet & Gold

all chocolate of course

Strange, I still ask permission for things such as in mother, can I make you famous?

” I don’t want to be famous”

Well ok, can I share you with some good people, the kind of people you’d have coffee with using teacups?

” ok you can do that”

Her sense of humor Every birthday as long as known her, which is like all my life, it’s been pizza, hance the reason I gave her a tee shirt that said pizzaslut with the pizzhut building.

At the age of 95, lil sis says, give her this as a gift… ” NO G’DAMN way am i giving that, you give it to her”

” I like margaritas with a smirk on her face”

After the pizza was gone, she started in on the magarita, licking slurping sucking sounds.. ” how is it ma?


Her kindness

Some you know about this, I had gotten a call from a friend down around Lajeune, just talking stuff, he had mentioned his grand daughter got an invite to the Marine Ball, ” how cool is I said”, week or later I made mention of to mother, she gets up goes in her bedroom comes out with a silver fox and a mink stole, ” your father made these for me, what color is her hair she asked, ” I don’t know”. well you send this mink to your friend so she gets it, and you tell him, I don’t want it back, and mention fur needs to breathe, so don’t put it under plastic in her matter of tone.

She got a picture of the young lady at the Ball under her coffee table glass

Taking no shit from anyone

walking out of church like mother duck with all her little duckie in a row, there was a group of 4/5 women just outside, as we were walking by one said she has all those kids, her husband never attends, another said he’s indian, probably drunk at home. That did it, mother turned went right at them, all of them. ” My husband works on Sunday, those dimes the children put in the plate, they get from thier father Saturday night for he’s up and gone on the lake before the children wake. What really got her was the preacherman was standing there not saying a damn word knowing why dad was not church.

She was 21 when Pearl happened, ever hear the pin hit the floor?, she can you how quiet the store was the news came over the loud speaker when Kennedy was shot, her mind is sharp, it’s her body, worn out, right now she has some water in the heart, not suppose to be there, so that’s a concern.

Asked her once ” ma, was I worse of the kids”

she just looked at me with her own version of the Clint squint.

I’m the last of her children