It’s Friday


With a house full of people, and the dog chooses to come sit next to you

as far as feelings go

it’s a good one

Like Alice?

Granted, his music wasn’t for everyone

I liked it & that’s what counts

how do I know there’s only 2 genders?

Only the male can complement the female in motion

Fred Astair & Ginger Rogers was an example that.

It’s not been lost

I think I was keeping up pretty good while Elk City Oklahoma, I was asked to go sit down, you’re messing up the line dancing, so I left the floor, found Paul Edward Nut at the bar lapping up Crown Royal. Paul Edward was a dog, a Rig dog, splashed with caustic soda. We got along great. I’ll tell you about him sometime.

some coffee with Steve Miller

that would be some good conversation