Look alive ffs, or I’ll come over there and killya myself

Manners and G’damn common curtesy first…. translation


Get the hell out of there yabastard

I’ve been told, you just cannot just get drunk, eat cake and fight everyone

That’s where you’re wrong commie

Tradition is Tradition!

Steve Kanaly, the actor portraying Marine Captain in this scene, was a radio operator Nam, First Cav.

Looking at the lake , it’s 34 degrees out here with a coffee, the weather may change

but the woobie is forever!

U.S. Sen. Paul H. Douglas (1892-1976): “Those of us who have had the privilege of serving in the Marine Corps value our experience as among the most precious of our lives. The fellowship of shared hardships and dangers in a worthy cause creates a close bond of comradeship. It is the basic reason for the cohesiveness of Marines and for the pride we have in our corps and our loyalty to each other.”