The Armydog will be 90 years young tomorrow, this past summer he was up in a tree cutting some limbs down from an Elm tree, his wifey said ” go talk some sense into him will ya”.
“She sent you out here didn’t she” as he still hand sawing on this limb. I just stood there looking up at him. Not as you were thinking.
I’m looking at this guy up in a tree whose feet were frozen black at the Chosen, still has some red metal in him as a gift from the Chinese communists. This guy who as a kid, along with his brother was treated like slaves after thier dad died by an uncle. A 2 handed saw worked by the boys, paid 16 cents per cidar post, cut/stripped/stacked. 16 cents to be split between the boys. As dog has said many times.
” I hated my uncle”.
“Chance, I’d rather her getting after me now then having this limb hit the roof causing damage and money”. He doesn’t talk much about the constant pain, you’ll catch him grimacing from it, it doesn’t stop him from doing what he’s going to do. It’s something about that generation I was watching up in that tree. The branch cracked and fell, he comes down, sits on the bench, ” give me a minute” take 2 dog. Gets up, starts walking into his home.
Thinking the Armydog would straighten out Scott Adams in no time
Dilbert cartoonist and former VaxPass apostle claims he’ll likely commit suicide next year if disabilities and depression don’t improve