So you want to live in the woods eh

I get a call this am from a couple 3 or so counties over

” I see Dennis is selling his shack, he’s got it listed” no shyt, wthell

Having the one’s garage bigger than the house should be viewed in these terms

Say one orders up a mail order bride, there’s not a lot places in house she can hide in, when cabin fever grabs a hold of her, the garage is the safest place.

It’s not to shabby for a Trapper’s cabin

And with the sauna, you be fine

no light pollution, no sirens, no city smells of rot and decay, those just a few of the amenities to be enjoyed. Out there, you can build a life where you don’t have to take a vacation from.

Remember the name of the place

Trappers cabin

hence the reason for the large garage 🙂

kicks the jukebox