Something one don’t see for good reason

I read about the season of leaf blowers and pictures, noisy bastards. 10,000 if not more trees per person, the prevailing attitude is as follows:

God put them there, well… He can just take His time to remove them.

What’s the purpose of leaf blowing, to see pretty lawns?

Pretty is ok, being practical is far better, turn every front lawn into a garden, sound strange, some good reading on America’s victory gardens.

I’ll give you an example Sure, she’s pretty and I like big floppy hat

but can she cook!

rule of thumb: never trust a skinny cook Now if one got themselves a Buffalo Woman, you know, it’s where you have shade in the summer and warmth in the winter, Buffalo Women know how to cook, I’d stay away from the Abrams type, you may starve to death.

This here is a friend of mine, ” friends get invited in for coffee, all others run off”

While having coffee, being the nice guy that I am, I offered to push the snow for him”. He called me something along the lines of, ” you fuk” and fuk no”. Last time, you plowed the snow at my front door, took me a day to dig out you fuk!”. Well there is a difference between plow and push and you agreed and I didn’t charge you none either so there.

I stopped snapped his picture,

Snow is different than leaves, leaves get packed down

snow gangs up on you

One see’s pictures on the net

so romantical

hot chocolate, swapping spit & sucking face

save that for da sauna