A place in the woods

A definition of a saying is needed to be explained

when I say, ” the other day”

that could mean yesterday, last week, 6 months ago, it’s not so different from when the folks in the South say, ” well bless his/her/ heart” that’s a double meaning phrase. What never changes is when I say

“down the road” everything is down the road… south.

Had some business to attend to which took me southeast, I’m on this road, which I wouldn’t call a secondary road, maybe a 3rd or even 4th road. 7pm, it’s already dark, you just know the deer are waiting for the opportunity to wreck those are not paying full attention. I spot a light in the far-off darkness, soon a sign saying FOOD, the posted picture is the front of the place.

Walking in I swear I heard

” What you are looking at Willis”

Finding a place where my back feels comfy because I can see every exit and entry in the joint, I notice I’m not the one who understands French


An attractive young lady come over and says ” Semper-Fi” can I help you sir”.

I pointed out a menu item, saying to the effect ” what the hell is this crap?”. She’s leans and says ” it’s fooking catfood” < cleaned-up her words.

“I just work here she says with a cute smile”

Ever get the feeling you’re being watched? I got that feeling while eating

Now we got the fluff out of the way, I wanted to show this

They are from the Menominee area

Mission statement:

We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. As a registered 501(c)(19) veterans’ charity, our mission is to support and protect those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to provide assistance and help to individual veterans, veteran care facilities, other veteran organizations and registered charities. We sponsor and participate in many veteran-related motorcycle (and other) charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran causes.

Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service), Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service and have a strong dedication to helping veterans), and Auxiliary Members (Spouses of both Full and Support members). We have members from all 50 states and numerous countries abroad, including combat areas.

Please note that we are an ASSOCIATION and NOT a MOTORCYCLE CLUB (MC). Although we may be in a geographic area, we do not claim territory. We do not have a club house. We do not wear cuts or colors, but rather vests. The patch on our back is one piece.

Brothers & Sisters helping Brother & Sisters

They put on some excellent combat vet picnics