Are you a slow learner, it’s ok, as long as you learn

Back around September if memory serves, I ran into farmer at the gas station with the pig in tow, I bought the pig, posted pictures of forementioned pig. Took a while for it to go from barnyard to table fare when you do everything yourself. I did mention everything if you catch my drift. The hams were the first in the smokers, some may think having 4 smokers is more than my fair share, I don’t care what some may think. This is what 10 pounds of pork looks like when put through a processor.

I was wanting the creamy texture

If you ever bothered to look up what’s in store bought Belonga, you won’t be buying store bought bologna anymore, AKA the pink stuff.

Had a buttinski stick thier beak into a conversation between another smoker and myself, they took some sort of offence to the word ” Chub”, mind you , I was in a store, this woman who clearly wasn’t schooled properly in word use or context went off on some sexual manpig woman hating tirade. I looked at my fellow smoker, looked back the woman, look lady, it’s obvious you just back from fucking off somewhere, why don’t go back there, don’t stick your tits my face an expect special treatment, equal rights, equal fights. The look on her face, priceless, she stormed off.

Reason I told you that is because I hate wrinkles on my chubs

they may be small wrinkles, they still be wrinkles
around 1 pound 12 0z.

Pit bosses and gun owners are much the same in many ways

one such way is many gun owners are Pit Bosses

Both see an opportunity to teach, rather than look down on those who don’t know.

I normally try to leave things on a positive note, this time, I’ll show why I decided years ago, ok… decades ago to give gifts from home.