A day of rest they said, not for the wicked

I don’t see myself as ” wicked” in the evil sense of the word, when I hear ” make more of these, the kids scooped them up”. Sunday has the time, all others are spoken for.

Thing about having a leather scrape box, there’s projects in there, they just haven’t been discovered yet. Few weeks back I am digging through looking for a piece that would make a good strap, and WHAMMO!, it was like a ” winner winner chicken dinner ” moment. I made some corner leather book marks, apparently the kids at that little bookroom I mentioned some days ago really liked them. Maybe it was the price Free. waste nothing, fancy is ok, practical is better, in the Skeem of life, a corner leather bookmark is no big deal, kids sure were happy.

Normally I start with bad stuff, end with good stuff, not today

Standing by the door, looking at kids by the shelves, some at a table, something came to mind nothing good that’s for sure

found some pictures of what was on my mind while looking at the children

On July 1942, 2, most of the children of Lidice, a small village in what was then Czechoslovakia, were handed over to the gestapo

These 82 children were then transported to the of extermination camp 70 kilometers away. Once they arrived, they were gassed to death.

A group of Bronze Sculptures, paying tribute to the children who died. Its construction was decided in 1969 by the woman sculptor, Marie Uchytilova

took 20 years to make this sculpture because she used the vintage documents to reproduce the faces of the missing children and to represent them according to their exact size.

Methods are different today

outcome is the same

Hitler couldn’t have done what he did without the medical field

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