
To start off, we have the “Master of the Future”.

They have ideas about speech.

They have an agenda for thee and me; however, not them.

Lest we forget how very special this group is Leerch Kerry is there to educate us.

In case you are concerned that they may not be having any leisure time, your concern is unnecessary. The following is a quick cut and paste from a couple of sources.

The intellectual, economic, and social elites have gathered at Davos to discuss how to impose their agenda on the rest of the world because we are ill equipped to manage our own lives. 

According to an article in the Daily Mail, the demand for sex workers goes through the roof when the elites gather in Davos every year. Because nothing shows someone’s commitment to creating a better world than flying in prostitutes. 

The demand for prostitutes is high at every economic summit — this is also what the manager of an escort service from Aargau, 170 kilometers away, says. She has received eleven reservations and 25 inquiries so far, she told the Swiss newspaper “20 Minuten”. She assumes that there will be significantly more over the course of the week. “Some also book escorts for themselves and their employees to party in the hotel suite,” the newspaper quoted them as saying.

According to an interview with one of these women, they dress in business attire to avoid hotel security issues. Another article has indicated their prices have been Significantly increased for this year.
These are our, supposed, betters who will lead us to utopia….NOT. In fact, there seems to be consternation that the ignorant masses are not falling in line as anticipated. We, the masses, only need to remember a quote that to be by Billy Graham.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened.

Each of us needs to be courageous with stiffened spines.