I’ll pour the 1st cup, after that you’re on your own

It’s snowing rain with an added breeze, which means I got fresh air & a empty basket.

No BRC will be served here.

Where we were

Where we are

Some good words with a lot of thumbs up were given to me, sips coffee, those words were with me most of the day, just thinking stuff. Never thought I’d be the one standing yet here I am, taking care of an ancient one with such passion for life. (you have no idea).

I’ll share those words here:

“At this present time, I’ve not succumbed to the temptation of feeding bugs to those who threaten to feed them to me. If and when America does give in, to that temptation, I strongly suspect that those who presume to adjust our diet) will not only ingest those crawley critters/ bugs themselves but they will also ingest the “bugs” of a different type which “bug” and monitor some of the American population, who’re known as truth tellers. They, the arrogant, will discover that truth can’t be killed, nor can it be controlled albeit its being avoided or hidden”.

One should never push a Man to violence, who’s been waiting for an excuse to use it.

If/when the world goes dark, it’s not hard to vision hunting parties, they be looking for those.

who destroyed their former lives, mercy is God’s domain.

Sips coffee… How do you know when you watch to much teevee?

This is a good indication.

Dog!, you are an embrassment to your bloodline.

Fellas, one of the best sounds there is, is the sound of a laughing child and/or a happy woman, it’s not always easy to keep them happy & smiling. Gotta be creative sometimes. Yes Yes Yes, we know ladies you can carry in the groceries by yourself, you’re respected to much to let that happen.

Go outside and practice, I’ll be join you shortly & watch

guys are good at watching, it’s one of our particular skills.

As Anna-Marie, Wife of a Combat veteran once stated:

We know what they know, I won’t be behind him

I’ll be at his side we’ll all go Jesus a bloody mess
