It’s all fun & games until

See that

” I need a gift for a kid”

how old is the kid?


Good example how stuff is viewed these days, when I was 25, or you were, I was not viewed as a kid, I wasn’t doin kid stuff. Good chance you weren’t none either.

More fun and games

With-in your circle of vets, are your greetings like this?

After the greetings and salutations, everything is good

I went to a combat veteran’s picnic, actually, I was there aleady with a couple of smokers when I heard “who the fuck invited you here?”. Well it’s clear as day, it wasn’t you squid 2nd class

After the greetings it was smiles & handshakes and what’s in the smokers?

Ribbs, racks & racks of ribbs

Here comes the until part, it’s worth your time

Fellas, she’s gonna pissed you didn’t invite her

be ready for that