it’s Friday, time to get your freak on

It was 5 below this am, it’s warmer now, 13 degrees or so. My trusty weather rock that is hanging from a rope, it’s to the side with white on it, I’ll translate:

It’s snowing sideways, eh!

that rock is more accurate than any talking bubblehead on a teevee.

I didn’t know RAMBO had a 2 foot knife

Hampshire England maybe what they need over there is some common sense ” safe box laws” over there, am sure our witless can fill them in on the details

Is it not better to lick your wounds and be battle-scarred

than kiss ass and comprise your values

” Tyrants favor immigration from distant cultures in order to dilute the strength of the normal standards their actions will be judged by”.

For an old famous dead guy, Aristotle would have been welcome at my fire

May 4th, International fireman appreciation day

“I was saddened for I had no shoes, then I saw a

man who had no legs “

was just something I had read a long time ago, it came to mind is all