It’s only January, already tired of Canada’s crap

I don’t know if you know this so I’ll tell ya anyways. Those Canaknuckleheads been sending thier crappy weather across my lake as long as I remember, and I have a G’damn good memory. They’ve gone full castro up there, using horses to stomp indian women, legalized murder under the guise of healthcare. Staying on topic just venturing off a tad, that Austrian -anti-freedom mf who likes maids has bought the tank he drove while in the Austrian. I wonder if ATF has a problem with that. Yes, I want a tank, what for some may ask,. What the hell does one do with a tank, run shit over, and blow stuff up at gravel pit.

Stuff you may not know, I HATE paperwork, now you know.

Canada, you have any idea the kind of PAPERWORK I’d have to submit to get a A-10 WARTHOG.

always use the right tool for the right job

‘Super pigs’ from Canada could soon invade US

Super pigs were bred to survive Canadian winters, so they are hearty animals, growing to more than 600 pounds. They eat goslings and ducklings by the mouthful. They uproot and destroy crops. They can even bring down full-grown deer.

Despite its popularity, recreational hog hunting seems to be making the problem worse. The pigs are adapting by turning nocturnal, which makes them harder to track and remove.

One way game wardens hunt the beasts is to put GPS tracking collars on subdued hogs. Called “Judas pigs,” the collared hog leads wardens back to their dens, where the animals are “removed from the environment.”

Geo-tracking put one hog less than 10 miles from the U.S. border. Brook told Field and Stream he wouldn’t be surprised if wild pigs have crossed over into North Dakota already. There is no real physical or natural boundary between the U.S. and Canada in that area, so it’s just a matter of time before the hogs head south.

Thinking back to some cowboys I met in Ardmore Oklahoma, just so ya know

Blue Pig BBQ has great BBQ! we was discussing fishing, out at his ranch as far as you could see, every fencepost had a head of a catfish on it.

view this as a commercial break

I don’t see one damn thing that could be construed as romantical

Taking a cue from those fishing cowboys, I could attach pigheads to the trees, just imagine the look on those city people have the bright idea to head to the country-side when the food runs out, to take food and things from those already living there, seeing painted up pig skulls, 🙂

Coming back with an empty basket in the am, I don’t view it as a bad day of trapping, I got be to out there, it’s a good place to leave negative thinking. Replaced with positive for the day is young.

Lots of positive to be seen here