Journal Entry: Shut it down, shut it all down

I’ll elaborate.

You know that thing in your head that tells you, you shouldn’t say that, I don’t have that no more

it wasn’t lost, it was taken, big difference. While pushing snow with my trusty BOSS plow, blaring Tobacco Road by Edgar Winters, brother to Johnny Winters, AKA the Albino boys. Lots of screaming in that song. If Thing about BOSS plows, it can maneuver in a V shape, I was smiling just thinking if only al gore was tyed to one wing while miss how dare you was strapped to the other.

I’d be 110% sure, those 2 could drown out the Abino boy, hold on

i need coffee to calm down

People should drink less coffee to combat climate change, study says

Canadian researchers analyzed coffee’s “contribution to climate change” in a piece published in early January and suggested people moderate their consumption of the popular drink as a part of the solution.

I have a solution alright.

First, I’ll share some insight, when losing something it can be troublesome at times, (don’t care) then one notices after a fashion, something was gained, it’s like the neuro-net found a way to fire all up the cylinders once again, maybe not in the proper order, but they are firing. It’s like I see words instantly, words that’s been said ages ago or recently.

A clear example of which I speak

Sluts!, they’re all Sluts!

We AMERICANS really like to choose what we like and what don’t like it’s call FREEDOM MF’s do you speak it! some like GLOCK, some like KIMBER, Ford/ Chevy so on and so forth.

I got a few choices you may or may not like

Turning up the nose are ya, well… least you’re not puking yet

Aspire farms processes crickets into all-natural, sustainable, superfood ingredients the World’s largest cricket processing plant located in Onterio Canada is now on line.

The food of the future

Aspire farms processes crickets into “all-natural, sustainable, superfood ingredients that are nutritionally superior to livestock, cell-cultured, and plant-based alternatives.”

Here is something you be interested in:

Traps :: Professional Series Traps (

Here’s what ya do, live trap your game, cap it’s ass in it’s head, don’t miss, ammo ain’t cheap.

Lots of Ancient sites around the world

There’s one part that is not ignored but rather people rather not discuss, what actually took place there

Human Sacrifice

those assholes at davos are no different then the assholes that operated such structures.

Faces change, technology changes.

people not so much.

An example of that:

old words

Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That’s what’s important! Valor pleases you, Crom… so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!

I’ve thinking about adding some words of my own on the plow