Read it, flips through the index cards, read that to

With long winters, not much to do besides make little yoops, hunt small game, ice fish, some trapping, going to see the crazies aka the ski jumpers with standing around a Finnish stove with a cold beer in sub zero temps and of course move the old snow so you have room for the new snow, always with the constant thought, will the woodpile last till Spring, other than that, not much to do, probably why reading is still viewed as a welcome activity.

Whitmer has worked her entire LEECHING parasitic career in government

If you were essential in 2020, you might be useless in 2023

View Cobots as your replacements

With a unexpected day off I can get some stuff around here. My cousin through marriage, not my marriage came up from the mistake by the lake, better known Ohio to visit mother

reference the Great Toledo War

we yoops were traded away without even being asked to sit in on the negotiations.

Keeping Cobots in mind


On July 23rd, 1913 backed by the Western Federation of Miners, workers strike after company managers refuse to discuss demands for better pay and working conditions. A chief concern is the introduction of a “one-man” drill which will shrink the workforce.

The Michigan National Guard arrives in the Copper Country to maintain order. How bad did it get? it got pretty bad

 In sharp contrast with the National Guard, they were quick to use violence against the strikers.  In one incident in Painesdale, a striker was walking home along a path through the mine’s property and was seen by the local deputies.  The deputies reported this incident to the Waddell men who then went to arrest the man under a charge of intimidation.  When they went to arrest him, the man ran into his house where there were 15 other people.  The Waddell men then opened fire on the house, claiming that there had been a shot from inside the house, and killed two men and injured three more. “The mostly peaceful parades of strikers” turned into violent acts from both sides of the strike (excluding the National Guard).  The deputies and Waddell men consistently acted violently toward the strikers and even beat women with clubs or night sticks on many occasions.  This in turn led to the strikers becoming more violent toward the deputies, in one case killing a deputy and in another attempting to kill a deputy.  Strikers also increased their violence toward the imported workers, often throwing rocks at their train cars and beating them on their way to work.  Overall, 38 striker men were charged with assault, 9 were charged with murder, and 56 were charged with intimidation while 8 striker women were charged with assault and 27 with intimidation.  The deputies and Waddell men had very few charges against them, mainly because they were the people issuing the charges and did not charge themselves when they were the aggressors in violent assaults. As a result, an accurate number of the assaults on strikers by deputies is not known.

I see the idea of New California is picking up steam, following the model of West Virgina, again, that’s not a new idea to us yoops. here’s a map of Lost States,

Learning such history could be filed under

if you don’t know where you came from, how the hell do you where you’re going.

Back in 70’s there was idea being pushed hard, Superior the 51st. State

old map

Whatever the Bitchmer is skeeming while in davos, it’s nothing new or good for yoops, She still trying to shut down line 5, it’s like they want these woods to go back to ” Pre-settlement”.

You know, that plan that was discussed some years ago.

For a day off… I’m in a fine mood

Ok, so we do things a little different around here