well… least the weather is co-operating.

Gentlemen, start your engines, that would have fit as well.

I’ll explain

First U.P

Wind chills: 25 to 34 below zero, frostbite will occur in 10 minutes on exposed skin , that’s the current weather, should be perfect for Saturday

People in South, you have your crazies & we have ours

With the proper clothing & 12 pack, you be fine, nothing wrong with having a few beers while watching the crazies.

The International 500 Snowmobile Race is not just Michigan’s most thrilling experience for riders and motorsport fans of all kinds, it’s not just the United States either, or for that matter, North America’s! It’s the most grueling and prestigious snowmobile race in the whole frigging world.

Nascar, try to keep up will ya

Witness the best snowmobile riders in the world taking to the banked turns that would make NASA queasy. The I-500 Snowmobile Race guarantees to rock every sense you have: the roar of the engine, the bite of the cold, along with a nice cold beer, no one likes warm beer, not on race day, or really any day.

Race (race-monitor.com)

Alright, alright calm down, we’ll start the engines.

Man’s task

To make safe the path for Woman to walk without fear

Woman’s burden

To bind Man’s heart with his spirit

I’ve seen those bootycamp shorts in the Sg.t Grit catalog

I don’t mind gungirls, Most are models pushing products

I prefer seeing the products on normal Women, being Women, and we all know how Women can be,

Keep this in your thinking fellas, Ladies

A fun thought:

can you hear the RAT PACK coming through the woods?

yeah…. they traded in thier jeeps, they know of those Green Mountain boys

they were taught well