(Will) you be eating bugs

I used manners in the headline, I left out a few words as in, the fuck I will. I highly doubt Christpher Wray will be served bugs at Davos. So much for being neutral eh Sweden, they have 5,000 troops protecting the scumbags. Never, ever, never never ever buy a used couch, even new mattresses are not to be trusted. Always the bad first


Chicago was ranked No. 1 for the third year in a rowNew York City and Philadelphia landed the second and third spots in the ranking, followed by Cleveland and Los Angeles

I’d rather share items conerning the finer things in life, see what I mean

stuff to do in peace & quiet

So ladies, you don’t want to be eating bugs, then you need to expand your knowledge. I was about 8 years of age, had this rabbit over my shoulder, its head was dragging on the ground behind me. Probably still the biggest rabbit I’ve taken, still to this day. Yesterday Am, I got a rabbit in a live trap. Mother would always put those the legs in a oven bag, poured cream of mushroom soup over the thighs and baked it, served over rice. Well guess what I did yesterday..

she’d bake 6/8 legs at time

All these years later I’m still reading & learning how others do stuff.

Some of the best classrooms are not found in a building

Extra stuff:

thing about winter

one eats a lot less fish

Rabbit is cheaper than chicken

one just need to compare the grocery store


Mother nature’s pantry