ahhhh coffee

Don’t know where that barrel sauna is located, I know it’s nowhere around here, where those are built, just down road down that way, they to are digging out. Maybe it’s in P.A.

Ever get the look

” well, it’s so nice for you to come visit us old dogs, don’t be talking your gibberish,

in this house we speak english & german”.

It’s damn good thing I like you

Lumps & bumps, don’t care, you still my friend, strange thing it is, all dogs deserve a human, not all humans deserve a dog.

With the Nord stream pipeline being destroyed, this current admin hating on all things America, one never wondered about such things as who were the good guys, you’d just enjoy the best seat on a C-130

With recruitment down, lowered standards, makes for some interesting kitchen table coffee talk, ” if only Truman would have listened to Mac”, what about Patton, ” Him to! G’damnit”. Dog, I have to go, roads are crap.

If you spot any of these on sight, you’d a mibster

Just looking at this machine, todays schools come to mind, and not in a good way