Camn down, it’ll be ok, first, we got stuff to do

I know it’s Sunday, but I felt I needed to explain the posted picture.

It’s not waterboarding if one uses #1 Kerosene.

Of all of Frank Franzetta’s artwork, I’ve always like this one

Kinda looks like the Silver Warrior is joining up with the Son’s of Light

Pick a city, any city, I can envision the faces when I enter the city limits

It’s probably a good thing I’m not rich, just imagine when I park my sled, open the doors for business

there will no wokeness on these premises

Van Damme is from Belgium, he can do something I cannot do, more important, something I don’t want to do, I do understand is thinking

It’s going to be a nice day, it’s above sub-zero, it’s a good day to bring out a smoker, only need one for 20 pounds of meat. Ok and so what, it’s snowing. Wearing a white coat with temp gauges in my breast pocket, thermals underneath, side pockets with nytril gloves, not only will I blend in my surroundings, the woodland critters will be asking, which one of us did he get this time.