Culture barriers

Read someplace, stepping out your door, if you don’t keep your wits about you, you never where you’ll end up.

If it seems like I’m always outside, there’s good reason for it, because I am for the most part. Less so these days because of responsibilities.

Heard some radio add about breaking down culture barriers, something to with black history month. A monthly gym membership implies you belong to a culture people taking care of thier bodies. Welcome to my gym, aka the backyard.

Will I keep up with the young bucks when the time comes, for a time, I’m with that.

Plenty culture over on this table

I’ve mentioned a couple of times my cousin who owns a bar. I like it out here, more elbow room then people.

Say you was to mosey on in there, first things first, read the sign

I’ll tell about it sometime
hint, don’t be messing around with another man’s woman

A slice of side stuff, my cousin got mad about something concerning his girlfriend, so he took off for 3 years, went bumming around Europe, came back, So you gonna marry me now she said, ” yeah I suppose’ been married ever since.

lots of musical culture in that

So many these days live in past, that’s just foolish, remember the past, but do not live there, looking constantly in the rear-view mirror is dumb, they’re not going that way. Smithie, I’ve mentioned him at times, good fella, familyman, runs a small shop, well his wfiey does, she keeps busy in back, making things.

When I say, Smithie, I need this made, his standard response is, ” yeah, I’ll get around to it”

Place down road, they have an area for throwing axes, even have family night. Rather cheap, good family fun. I suspect they keep Smithie rather busy. Is times I have a hard time understanding Smithie’s wife, that’s ok, we don’t nit-pic any differences we may have, to many other important concerns to be concerned about.

I see some state senator or some such person from S.C. saying, that state needs a “Yankee tax”. I don’t know anyone leaving these woods anytime soon.

as ma says, be nice, get nice

and don’t forget to smile