I need a goat horn

Ever have bad thoughts?, I have a head full, for good reason. Just one example, the penis piano player been trashing Americans again:

addressed the Americans who prefer that taxpayer funds go to help Americans.

“And that percentage of Americans as you’ve mentioned is increasing, I can tell them only one thing: If they do not change their opinion, if they do not understand us, if they do not support Ukraine — they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position that they enjoy in the world, that they enjoy in the world. That they enjoy for a very fair reason,” Zelenskyy said.

One such bad thought is to strap his ass down on raft, exile him in the lake. For such thinking,

prayers come in handy

Sometimes I have terrible thoughts that run through my head.
Do you see me, dear Lord? Do you see my struggle?
You are mighty. You are strong, and you love me. right?

Set me free Lord!
Remove the bad thoughts that torment me.
Cast the enemy out of my mind and my life. Let no attack, deceit or contamination affect me any more.
For I have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb.
Your mighty Spirit protects me always. Amen.

Bombarded with bad thoughts as in the example

the phone rang


I won’t ask how you are doing just what are doing?


Want to go down below bridge?

“no, what the hell do I want to go down there for, nothing good happens down there?. Is there a point to line of questioning, I have stuff to do. One of the guys going likes to write stuff, have a journal? yea, nothing is free here,

“I told him that”

pulls on from a shelf

What else?

“You know Odin?”

yea I know Odin

” his bosslady is going with, she’s tagging along, says you and Odin have much iin common, either one of you likes people want to watch him? I’ll watch him, how many going? ” there’s 5 total”

you know this an open-carry state right, you boys keep an eye on her.

With a goat horn, I’ll make Odin feel right at home, even though he’s in Skraeling country

kinda sorta & somewhat