
So there I was, hearing this guy, nice guy for the most part at my mother’s table, he’s fully informing me he’s vaccinated with one booster. Telling me he’s scheduled for another in a couple weeks. I asked him about side effects.

” if I get any kind of effects, those are signs that the body is building up immunity to covid”. He’s the kind of fella that like to talk over someone as some form dominance. I just sipped my coffee looking at him. Reason I mention of that is basically this, DM is like our resident war correspondance, doing a fine damn good job of it. Myself, I tend to hang out in the cultures.

Checks time… I got time. I see Texas got a little snow, I swear, every year it’s like Groundhog day with Texans, they get a little snow, and they forget how to drive

see what I mean

stay safe Taxas, look after each other, you be fine

There really is 2 America’s

One is obsessed with masks, vaccines homosex, abortion pronouns,blm,feminism,soy lattes, mental illness,censorship, hating on white people,government control , etc,etc,etc

The other is about

Family,community,freedom, God

There’s only room for 1

Let’s take you tube as in example, what they were and what they now are totally different. It’s what the left does, it destroys, me I’m a builder. So in that context, I shall build upon your speaking and observation skills.

Welcome to my class

what you are about to learn

you don’t speak as such at my mother’s table I sure was thinking it while sipping my coffee

You Tube, I can go from Mozert to Megadeath without skipping a beat