Robert Oppenheimer

I know exactly how you feel

What you’ll never see on such sites as Esty are the mistakes crafters make while making useful stuff for others to help in their lives be better, Example, you want new gun holster to perform as well as the sidearm it holds. It’s Sunday, there will be no destroying the world on Sunday.

Sounds like something your mother would say while saying get outside.

Moms know stuff, ever test your mom?

Who knew, moms know Physics

Chivalry it’s an old word

 qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women

Another way of saying it

Man’s task is to make the path safe for Women to walk without fear

Who’s a good boy

Dogs remember the deal struck so long ago.
Man not so much

Everyone thinks they have best dog in the whole world, and they’d be right.

There are those in the world who may think I’m dumfungled

a word I learnt from that Garad Butler fella, to be mentally and physically worn out.

To quote a Marine from long ago


A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy. A strange thought to have, looking around the place, maybe it’s not as strange after-all.

It’s Sunday, cannot go around blowing up the world on Sunday, so I did the next best thing, gave it a piece of my mind. Now that the air clear, I can get the barge’s glue back out.

Gotta have music

ain’t no way I’m Dumfungled