She’s beautiful, round as a jackpine stump she is, she’ll keep you warm

What did you think I was talking about, I was talking about the stove, that’s an American beauty right there. She’s built for the long haul. Yesterday I digging through the pots & pans, ” what are you doing?”. I need the stock pot, ” whatever you’re going to make, I’m not eating for the next 3 days”. Why not, remember, it’s your stock pot, I know mustgoe’s very well because of you.

” Mustgoe’s”

what you didn’t eat today, must go tomarrow”

Told her, making some goose leg & noodles with lots of broth, I need the broth for some other things, it freezes well, & I don’t buy broth.

Times like this, lil sis’s baked bread is greatly missed.

Armydog got around to replying, his reply:

You cannot let such things just slide off

For someone with blackened feet who is out there snowblowing

discussing aches & pains are of little use.

Ever notice stuff is going just fine, until government comes around

do you need a hero?

your choices are, my gooselegs with noodles


Ohh I’m not done, I just looked at the clock

Sorri? to hell will sorri, I call straight up

Hybrid “Grolar Bears” Are a Living Consequence of Climate Change

Pax, was a Hybrid, her mother was taken by wolf while on the chain, “taken” that a polite word for the act rape. At a Thanksgiving Shasha was having her pups, 5 came out just fine, she started wimpering, something was wrong, Bill, get down there an help her, pup is coming sideways, ” I can’t do it, I can’t”. you fuck, in a white shirt with vest, Shasha, you never had pups, and I never done before, we’ll do together. reached turned an ploop! out came the runt. Bill, when the time, I coming for this one. Pax average weight was 115/120. One person creature, very gentle with small children. Globul warming like hell, nature is nature..