Sunday side dishes

Ever have some call you ” far right”?. Just do what I did after taking a sip of coffee…

yeah well, so far, I’ve been right, that shut their pie hole. Some may think, I’m wired to tight for other people’s well being, that’s not the case at all. On the outside I’m like all kinds of nonchalant, on the inside, I’m chalant as phuck. See this fella, he’s like being nonchalant, even though DEATH is inches away.

Hearing a comment is different than reading a comment

” if you don’t have a fancy corner, reach in your pocket and use a quarter, if you don’t have a quarter, then you are probably a broke leather crafter like the rest of us.”

My first corner cutter was a quarter I found, got around to saving enough to buy a corner cutter, then I lost the quarter, not always with-in reach of of the cutter, I do always a quarter in my pocket just in case I’m to damn lazy get up and get it.

I suppose you noticed the corners are not rounded

it’s fine, why? because I’ll get rountoit

Not having a teevee, I’ll be needing reports on my desk.

As a kid, were you ever told, how you treat a dumb animal, is how you should be treated, we were. Fauci and myself should never meet up. Today, a couple of doggies, rescued beagles from Fauci the bastard for short, will be competing in the puppy bowl.

Do you understand what NO TRESSPASSING means, sometimes one has to go and remind those who don’t, as in this example.

Wise Ole King Solomon had a pit of hungry wild African dogs, those who before him for judgement chose to dive in there, what could worse than that?, ” there’s a door over there, why don’t you go look?, no way man, no way, they dove in, it was a door to freedom.

This does not bother me in anyway shape or form.

Sit at my table, you won’t get up feeling empty, that would be bad manners on my part, plus I’d hear about it, as in..

” you were taught better than that”.