The Big Bopper came to mind

Your idea of Chantilly lace may differ than mine, that’s ok to for this is America damnit. Fellas, I’m 110% sure we agree on something…

she was style, she was grace with a sense of humor.

didn’t matter what Rachel wore, she made item look better

Handling some fur from time to time :), I have thought about making a fur bikini, no doubt if word got around Chance was seen buying a bra, I’d never hear the end of it, did I mention never. So I never made one for that reason. I did come close to making some fool’s face gooey with a box of Kotex at a store, I’ll tell you about sometime, now isn’t the time. Something to think about because I have to, when the fur man comes around in Spring to inspect the hides you have, he can be rather particular, how particular? say you 15 hides of that critter, a 3/4 of another and one or of something else, 18 hides total

he only takes 4 for auction, only the best hides make auction. Leaving behind 14 hides, you gotta think about stuff you can make with the leftovers.


Always save the cussing and swearing until he’s long gone off the property.

Are you vintage or Antique?

Believe you me, I know Antique,

You’re probably thinking by now, you are very happy to be vintage

You are damn happy to be Vintage

Looking around the country in general terms, the question isn’t what sort of world we’ll leave the kids, no, the question is, what sort of kids will the world be left with.

I’m all for equal rights, Ladies, work the problem

There is solution, let us males do what we were built to do