Are we having fun yet

Some david hoggboi lingo in use, ” there I was” minding my damn business while in town when I heard ” Salt!… Salt” I turn around, there’s BOZO with a grin across his face. Normal greetings for Marines, handshakes and cussing. What ya been up to BOZO? ” well I quit my job, decided to go into business for myself, plus I’ll be starting school at the end of month. You know Blubberguts?’. yea I know blubberguts, he’s good people what of him”. Said he’d work the front desk, while I’m the back working. It’s then he pulls out his m18, the new USMC sidearm, BOZO, you just cannot leave shit alone can you, noticing the new threaded barrel. ” you know me salt, I like customizing”.Big BOZO smile. Commences to tell me, he’s waiting for LLC through the state for the federal firearms license. So BOZO, what you doing while in hurry up & wait mode?. ” Follow me to my house, i’ll show you”. was about 7 miles out of my way over that way. Greeted by his ROTTY, Chesty, not seen Chesty since like late last summer, he was all kinds of happy. Go into his garage

Not getting rich Salt, but I am having fun building chicken coops

“Says they been selling pretty good, the wifey is happy about money but she’s always making mention I’m in the garage”. Bozo, women are like that, and how she doing?, ” she’s fine, no wait, she’s more than fine, she’s dangerous”. The best kind Bozo. ” He inquired about the Armydog asking how’s he doing, Bozo they unplugged his penis. ” What! don’t tell me, I don’t want to know”. Good, cause I don’t want to talk about it. “Come on over here, I’ll show you something that was the wifey’s idea. Making coffee tables Salt”.

nice touch the EGA

Been making these to, shows me the doggo dishes

Bozo, I have to go, let me know when your shop opens, I’ll stop by, shook hands off I went. Just because the country is fucked-up, don’t mean the fun has to stop.

This isn’t Bozo, just reminds me of BOZO