Beware the Cobra Chicken

It’s that time of year again, the snow is melting (for most of us anyways, sorry Chance. . .), the plants are starting to grow and the Canadian Shit Demons are heading into breeding season.

From Wiki: The Canada goose (Branta canadensis), sometimes called Canadian goose, is a large wild goose with a black head and neck, white cheeks, white under its chin, and a brown body. It is native to the arctic and temperate regions of North America. . . The male Canada goose usually weighs 5.75–14 lb. The female looks virtually identical, but is slightly lighter, 5–12 lb, and generally 10% smaller in linear dimensions than the male counterparts. . . When agitated or aggressively defending territory, Canada geese will typically initiate an encounter with a high-pitched hiss.

Canada geese, also known as Cobra Chickens and Canadian Shit Demons, get very, very, territorial during breeding and nesting season. They have been known to attack any-and-everything that gets close to them during this time of year. Nothing is safe from these Canuck monsters.

That goose in the video above weighs maybe 10 pounds, the cows, well, they’re probably in the 900-1000 pound range.

I’m sure most of you have seen at least the photos from the encounter above. What you likely don’t know is that the Cobra Chicken won.

The biggest issue I have with the Canada goose isn’t the aggressive behavior, after all, if you give em a short, sharp shock, they’ll never do it again, see, it’s the shit. Green, slippery, smelly shit. Everywhere. Hence Canadian Shit Demons.

You never know when you’ll run into one of these monsters. And God help you if you come between a mother goose and her goslings. So, be careful out there.