I ain’t dead, so I ain’t done, if you ain’t dead, you ain’t done either

Not many remakes, be them film or music match or top the original version. Is times something comes along and does just that.

Song played the Wolf station.

Like true stories? They are best kind of story

Some Longfellow lingo

Everyman has a secret sarrows in which the world knows not.

Often times we call a man cold when he really only sad

Was a different time in America when such greetings were far & few between,

Some wisdom

spanking your child on the butt is nothing more than putting their brains back where they belong.

Was a time America could laugh at ourselves

I don’t know if you know this, so I’ll tell ya, in the world of rockhounds, the finder of formentioned rock, didn’t know what he found, took and showed to other so-called rockhound experts, they were baffled. It was then the rock needed to be named, and so it was.


Found no where else on this entire planet, only to be found at night with a blue light.