I must be delicate about such things

There’s a lady down over in the Gladstone area who makes and sells peter-heaters,

I didn’t know if you that, well you do now.

It’s not mannerly if I used such words for a title as Poor Penis, that’s just wrong. So I am pacing myself while thinking of proper words to use later-on. I could pose a question such as:

How many of you gentlemen talk to another Man’s Woman about her husband’s penis?

Unless one is a doctor, I’d tally the hands to be zero. It’s no laughing matter to be sure, as a proud penis owner myself, I can only grimace and bring some cranberry juice for comfort.

From the email:

“I took Armydog to ER yesterday Morning at 9 urinating blood he had Kidney stones he passed them but one they had to go in his penis and unplug him we were there until 6pm it was storming so my daughter came and got us drove us home we had to wait on the urologist he was in surgery and in between surgeries he would come to ER Chance no shit  surgeon came in with one of these rolling tool boxes and I was wondering what the hell was he going to do I was wondering if I should leave he said I’ll take you out in the waiting room be back to get ya in 30 mins he did they went in unplug his penis flushed him out and we were good to go.”

Maybe someone can explain, just what does unplug his penis actually means. There’s little doubt, his wifey will be talking about his penis to me, So I need to be delicate.

To keep things in a proper perspective, sitting in VA lobby, this much older couple approached, the lady asked if they could next to me, I stood up, yes mam, “he’s fine standing in his walker”. Her husband with a oxy tank and tube in his nose, I looked at him, saw a twinkle in his eye. ” He doesn’t talk, he had a stroke, so I do all the talking”. We sat down, few moments had past. Mam, where you folks from?. we drove up from Racine, they had us for Milwaukee but they changed doctors on us, so here we are”. Mam, how long you two been married?

“55 years, we would have been married longer, but I told him, I ain’t marrying no corpse, so many girls married corpses, you come back, I’ll marry you, he did, so we got married”. Any kids?

“We had 8 children, now we have great children, and 5 great grandchildren”. That lady could talk I’m hear to tell ya. but then their name called, I stood up, offered her my arm to help her up. I looked at her husband in the walker, I swear that twinkle got bigger from the first time I seen it. I leaned into him a bit, whispered, you dog.

Maybe it just me, but on a stack of Bibles, I swear I seen a slight grin on his face.

That Veteran was on Tarawa.

A toast to the lady’s

With your shield, or upon it just come back

we can handle the horrors you seen