It’s just a thing, no biggy, well…

I don’t know if you know this, so I’ll tell ya, it’s snowing, it’s been snowing for a while. You may see snow as a hinderance to living. That’s only because you don’t see things properly.

I’ll explain The thing about snow, it keeps the majority of the riff raff outta here, believe me you, we have plenty of our own riff raff to contend with.

Snow is like a natural barrier

Invasive 200-Pound Pythons Are Spreading in the U.S.—And Eradication “Is Not Possible”

Wanna know what Oklahoma has and we don’t? They have what’s known as

Rattlesnake -ups Everything from boots to BBQ

good family fun

Since we discussing snakes, I’ll tell ya little snake story. About 8/9 years of age, one brothers got a hold of a copper belly, nothing to worry about, stretched out, it may have been 3 inches,

” I’ll give 75. cents if you put it down mom’s blouse, she’s sleeping so she won’t know. Gemmie a dollar I’ll do it. ” I don’t have a dollar, I only got 82 cents”, then gemmie that.

Hating snakes is right up there with water, the lake has some family so I understand the hatred on water, but snakes, don’t where that hatred came from but it’s neck an neck with water with her. When women say they don’t snore, I call B.S., she was out and snoring, little lady snores, still snoring. Down the blouse it went right between the cups, I barely had to back away and up she came screaming hopping around, wigging, ripping her blouse off, the snake had already fell out, that didn’t matter, mom tore of the bra, feeling for snake, running through the house. To finish this, let’s say, I reminded her of this incident about year ago, I’ll quote her

” I was really wanting your father to kill you so I didn’t have to”

Ma, believe you me, I seen death real close