Maybe tomorrow

Looking at the ice on the lake with a coffee, sips coffee, thing about tomorrow, it never comes, tomorrow is like yesterday’s today. so with that in mind, maybe tomorrow is the day, spit finds the hands, and the black flag is raised… sips coffee.

This should do the trick at the end of drive/road

The Michigan House approve legislation Wednesday requiring gun owners to keep weapons locked or unloaded around minor children, the latest in an ongoing push by Democrats to reform Michigan gun laws.

Under the safe storage legislation, if an owner fails to properly store a gun, and that gun is used by a minor to kill themselves or others, the owner could be charged with a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a $7,500 fine. If a minor uses the gun to injure someone, the owner could face a five-year felony charge.

Some repukes also signed to that, sips coffee… do the repukes realize without trump supporters, there is no Repuke party.

I know, I know, walking into someone’s living and seeing a SOG tomahawk stuck in a stump isn’t all that trendy, meh, works for me.

Some food for thought

what is the most dangerous room in your home?

That really depends on which room you are in right

Sips coffee

This is like a shout out for yoga pants, or stretchies or what the hell they be called now

nice TD there Mam

Speaking of pregnant piles of PUKE

Ya’ll lucky I keep my coffee to the proper size of 24 oz., I see I’m not the only one who needs a cup to keep pace

Ever been in a car/truck hearing this, are we there yet, are we there yet, I have to pee, are we yet, I have a simular situation with an individual, ” Are we done yet. how soon”

what’s this we crap you speak of, get off my phone